Phaser 3 Fade Camera In and Out Easy Example

Image of Stephen Garside Stephen Garside | Thu 05 Mar 20 > 1 min read

Camera fading in Phaser 3 is a great way to transition between scenes in your games.

I would recommend adding the following method to a 'base scene' that all your game scenes inherit from - this way you get consistent fades between scenes.

The method takes two arguments, a boolean (true = fade in, false = fade out) and a callback function that is executed once the fade is complete.

Fading Phaser 3 Scenes
fade (fadeIn, callbackFn) 
    if (fadeIn && fadeIn === true) {
        this.cameras.main.on('camerafadeincomplete', () => {
            if (callbackFn) {
        }, this);

    } else {
        this.cameras.main.on('camerafadeoutcomplete', () => {
            if (callbackFn) {
        }, this);


And that is all there is to easily fading between game scenes in Phaser 3.  For more on Phaser 3 game development you can read my other blog articles on Phaser 3 game development.

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