Business Website and Search Engine Optimisation Advice

Are you thinking of building a website for your business or SME but not sure where to start? Or perhaps you just want some training on the basics of structuring and building a website and search engine optimisation (SEO). 

Many SME business owners find themselves in this situation - so how could understanding how to structure and build a business website and seo training benefit you?

  • Save time and money through understanding the basics of how the internet works and how to avoid common mistakes that will cost your business.
  • Reduce effort by learning how to structure your website to work for your customers and search engines from the outset.
  • Increase your business internet footprint through understanding the options available other than just a website.
  • Improve your understanding of the basics like Domain Names, Web Hosting, Content Management and PIM systems etc.
  • Gain greater insights into the performance of your new website through free analytical techniques.
  • Write better website content by learning how to perform keyword research and focus on what your customers are searching for.
  • Gain knowledge on how search engines work and how best to position your new business website to take advantage of them.
  • Save money from the outset by understanding initial and ongoing costs of running a website.
Non Technical Website And Seo Training

Is Website and SEO Training Technical?

Most of what you need to do as a SME business to get yourself on the internet is non-technical and requires no software development skills (dependent on your specific business requirements).

My approach to delivering website and seo training is to try and keep the subject as non-technical as possible, working at the client's pace and keeping things as informal and relaxed as possible.

If required, more advanced training and advice can be given in areas such as website software development and technical onsite search engine optimisation.

How Much Does Private SEO and Website Training Cost?

In most cases, a couple of hours of upfront explanation, training and advice before building your new business website can be all that is needed. Training can be at a location of your choice and generally costs £30 per hour (dependent on location and requirements).

Personal Seo And Website Training Costs

Once you have received your private website / seo training you may be confident enough to have a go at setting up a website yourself using wysiwyg tools such as WIX, or perhaps take advantage of my freelance web development service to create something more bespoke.

If you are local to Halifax, Huddersfield and Leeds in West Yorkshire and feel you will benefit from a couple of hours of personal training and advice on building business websites and search engine optimisation then get in touch for an informal, no obligation chat.