Creating flashing or blinking text in Phaser 3 games is easy, and can be done with just a few lines of code. Flashing Text is great for things like 'Play Game' or 'Game Over' prompts etc.
In the example below I have wrapped the function in a 'Tween Helper' class so it can be reused throughout a game.
The flashElement method takes your Phaser 3 scene as its first argument, followed by the Text object. The remaining arguments allow you to control the speed at which your text flashes / blinks and the style of Phaser 3 flash easing required.
A typical use of the flashElement class is as follows (this = Phaser 3 scene):
const screenText = this.add.text(600, 400, 'Play Game').setOrigin(0.5); TweenHelper.flashElement(this, playText);
Here is the code for the TweenHelper class:
export default class TweenHelper { static flashElement(scene, element, repeat = true, easing = 'Linear', overallDuration = 1500, visiblePauseDuration = 500) { if (scene && element) { let flashDuration = overallDuration - visiblePauseDuration / 2; scene.tweens.timeline({ tweens: [ { targets: element, duration: 0, alpha: 0, ease: easing }, { targets: element, duration: flashDuration, alpha: 1, ease: easing }, { targets: element, duration: visiblePauseDuration, alpha: 1, ease: easing }, { targets: element, duration: flashDuration, alpha: 0, ease: easing, onComplete: () => { if (repeat === true) { this.flashElement(scene, element); } } } ] }); } } }
And thats all there is to adding flashing or blinking text to your Phaser 3 game scene!
If you found this article useful, why not read my other Phaser 3 game blog posts.
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